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Intern To Learn & Earn

A Problem Worth Solving here in Silicon Valley and other American tech meccas, there is a pipeline problem for people from the inner cities and rural areas of the US. Many exceptionally talented citizens from these locations are left out of the learning and earning opportunities provided in Silicon Valley and other centers of technological excellence.

Problem & Solution

Here in Silicon Valley and other American tech meccas, there is a pipeline problem for people from the inner cities and rural areas of the US.

Many exceptionally talented citizens from these locations are left out of the learning and earning opportunities provided in Silicon Valley and other centers of technological excellence. One need only take a short walk on the campuses of Google, Facebook, Cisco, and many other Silicon Valley tech firms to know that US citizens from inner cities and rural neighborhoods are vastly underrepresented.

This organization believes that although institutionalized racism plays a prominent but challenging to measure role, a sizable portion of the problem is the lack of a well-structured and consistent pipeline. Although many HBCUs are graduating qualified tech candidates, they go underutilized due to an addressable gap in the pipeline. Addressing this gap will be excellent for companies looking to become more competitive and make our great country more equitable and stable.


Barriers to Entry

Historically, career and technical education (CTE) was seen as a dumping ground for students who weren’t considered college material. A two-tier educational system tracked predominantly low-income students and students of color into career and technical classes, then known as vocational education. But in recent years, schools have revamped these courses to prepare students for higher education and lucrative work in fields such as technology, health care and engineering.

A Hechinger Report/Associated Press analysis of CTE enrollment data from 40 states reveals deep racial disparities in who takes these career-oriented courses. Black and Latino students were often less likely than their white peers to enroll in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and information technology classes, according to the analysis, which was based primarily on 2017-18 data. Meanwhile, they were more likely to enroll in courses in hospitality and, in the case of Black students in particular, human services.

The analysis offers a comprehensive look at data that states will be required to report to the federal government at the end of this year under the Carl D. Perkins Act. The $1.2 billion law that oversees career and technical education at the federal level was reauthorized in 2018 with an increased focus on equity. Previously, such data was only required to be reported by gender, where large disparities are also seen” (The Hechinger Report, 2020, October).

Our Sophisticated Solution

At DV / USTEC, we are uniquely qualified to deal with the pipeline problem. To bridge the gap mentioned above, DV / USTEC can provide focused experiential learning opportunities, mentors, exposure, and internships.

The projects and the course material we provide are beneficial to our candidates and high-tech companies in,

  • Silicon Valley/Bay Area

  • Austin, Texas

  • Portland, Oregon

  • Phoenix, Arizona

  • Seattle Washington

  • And other areas where there is a concentration of high-tech work.

The personnel at USTEC are qualified to collaborate with individual companies, document the specific needs of design groups, manufacturing groups, programming groups in those companies, then make a custom learning regimen for individual hires of each company.

The attendees that emerge from the USTEC program will indeed hit the ground running at the companies that will eventually hire them because they will have been trained for that specific purpose.

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