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A large problems facing many veterans today is unemployment or underemployment. The underserved communities, the wheelchair bound and those using prosthetics are also facing the same problems.

There are two reasons the tech sector is in need of individuals with CAD expertise. The first is that CAD software is complicated so finding or training qualified candidates can be difficult. The second reason is the software’s cost has decreased dramatically while industries from aerospace to medical, and is the most basic skill required to design and manufacture mechanical products from zippers to jet engines. Increasing applications for CAD software are driving the need for CAD technicians, ensuring that this skill will in high demand for the foreseeable future.

Employment Assistance

Trainees can earn $70,000-$110,000 upon being hired.
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The University of Southern California (USC) School of Social Work conducted two extensive studies to identify the major hurdles faced by veterans and published their results in report titled “The State of the American Veteran.”

The studies identified the major hurdles faced by veterans as securing employment and housing, managing finances, addressing health problems, and transitioning from the highly structured, insular and unified military culture into civilian communities.



Emphasize the need for proactive educational instruction and employment programs that can help veterans secure work in the civilian job sector.


An essential component of the skills training outlined in the report includes education on the differences between military culture and civilian culture, emphasizing corporate communication skills.

Lack of innovative employment solutions for those suffering severe physical injuries sustained during combat missions.


Permanently disabled veterans often find themselves unable to secure employment that provides adequate remuneration, intensifying problems such as financial distress and social isolation.

Systematic lack of preventative programs as a glaring omission in our current suite of veteran services and noting that many services are not available to veterans until they are in crisis.


The rising population of veterans makes this a critical time for our nation to improve the scope and depth of veteran support programs, and for communities to take ownership in the process of reintegrating those who served our country as they return home.


It is only through proactive programs that approach the hurdles veterans face in a creative and informed manner that we can prevent the acute and chronic financial and social distress experienced by so many veterans.

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